Saturday, June 26, 2010

Preschool Graduation Celebration!

Lil' Merrik - what a CUTIE!!! (the little girl on his left was in Jonah's preschool class last year. She & Jonah spent most of the "free" time - after the program - holding hands & chasing each other around - SO cute. Good to see they remember each other! And of course, by then my camera battery had run out.)

Lining up The "Graduates"! (even though some, like Merrik, are returning to PreK next yr) And yes, M even let me do his hair so it's not hanging in his eyes! :)

M - shakin' his booty to the "Energy" song!

... "This is me, this is me, this is me & my energy!" ...
They sang 3 songs which had small choreographed movements to them. Then they were each given a certificate (if they're returning, like M) or a "diploma". At the end, they showed a movie with different video & still photos from the class activities through out the year. We were able to buy a copy as part of a fundraiser.
And because Jonah has morning kindergarten, he was able to come because M has afternoon preschool.

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