Friday, July 24, 2009

Emma's Birthday Party (Jonah's preschool friend)

Merrik giving a ride to a mystery girl!
Jonah & Colleen - another preschool friend!
Looks like a date!

Singing "Happy Birthday" to Emma. Yay! Whoooo! (clap, clap, clap)

Merrik (Kayla in the blue dress - Emma's lil sis) & Jonah right after gathering their loot from the pinata. Although their bags were quite full, the looks on their faces seems like they feel they somehow got gypped!

Jonah pinning the tail on the donkey. ~Emma had gone first and got hers just in the right spot. (as you can see in the pic) Well, before he went, Jonah decided to peel Emma's tail sticker off because it was in the right place, and HIS was supposed to go there! Needless to say, the Birthday Girl's winning tail was replaced and the game continued!
Merrik taking a turn... if only the sticker were an ear instead of a tail. Would've been right on!
**Jonah & Emma will be in the same Kindergarten class! We're SO excited!!**

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