Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Merrik is 3 - Yippee!!!

Merrik's birthday sticker from our library class that week.
He LOVED that sticker & carried it around for days.
(In fact, he just asked where it was the other day! LOL.)
The famous library birthday wall.

Merrik found his name on the b-day wall.

And he insisted on a Dora cake!
He's only seen Dora a few times (we don't get that channel on TV) but I guess what little he's seen of "her" really left an impression!
So I just bought the little cake top pieces & put them on his cake. He was so excited!
(The characters are now fixed pieces in our church "quiet play" bag.)
And unfortunately, these are the only pictures I got of M's bday.
My camera decided to take the rest of the day (and week and month) off!!

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